After World War II, highly-refined white flour and sugar became common in the American diet. Dale Wolfe saw an opportunity to provide healthier alternatives. And so, in 1947, he began operating Dale’s Foods for Health in downtown Flint, Michigan.
Offering healthier, more traditional food options, Dale was ahead of his time, especially in using whole wheat flour to make his bread. The original store also sold some sweet treats; the most famous of which was Karmelkorn.

Just as the idea of “health foods” was new, so too was the fledgling business of supplements. At Dale’s, it began with vitamin E and grew from there. Now, the store is widely known for its large selection of supplements and for the knowledgeable staff who can help pick out what’s right for you.
The second generation, Don and Jean Wolfe, expanded Dale’s in 1987 to Miller Road in Flint Township. Both locations were open until 2001, when the downtown Flint store was closed. This consolidation of effort and expertise allowed for the Miller Road store to flourish.

Today, Drew and Mara Wolfe represent the third generation to guide the store’s success. Some employees have been part of the team for over 30 years, with others having dedicated more than a decade to the store. To judge the longevity of Dale’s Natural Foods look no further than its long-standing team and the recently-celebrated 75th anniversary in 2022.
About Us
Offering healthier, more traditional food options, Dale was ahead of his time, especially in using whole wheat flour to make his bread. The original store also sold some sweet treats; the most famous of which was Karmelkorn.

Just as the idea of “health foods” was new, so too was the fledgling business of supplements. At Dale’s, it began with vitamin E and grew from there. Now, the store is widely known for its large selection of supplements and the knowledgeable staff who can help pick out what’s right for you.
The second generation, Don and Jean Wolfe, expanded Dale’s in 1987 to Miller Road in Flint Township. Both locations were open until 2001, when the downtown Flint store was closed. This consolidation of effort and expertise allowed for the Miller Road store to flourish.

Today, Drew and Mara Wolfe represent the third generation to guide the store’s success. Some employees have been part of the team for over 30 years, with others having dedicated more than a decade to the store. To judge the longevity of Dale’s Natural Foods look no further its long-standing team and the recently-celebrated 75th anniversary in 2022.